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Free hangukdang blame? Two areas related to the prosecution of freedom hangukdang understand right away

Within 2-3 Sikkim dalmyeonseo brainwashed in the top rank ㅎㄷㄷ) - Duplicate bombard brainwashed comments for Big3 type (always the same): Repeat the same cementless implantation strategy (!!) or the subway almost no street evangelism levels of all religions, as baksamo katok? ( "00 heaven distrust hell" chatting attending class on the subway) to take over the abandoned pores comments atmosphere. "ㅁㄱ and feminists will do what?" Ve others interested in clinging to any article that said Wondering what people always ask again asking ㅁㄱ everything bindings and put ㅎㄷㄷ not going to live without tea feminist college ㅎㄷㄷ "mechanism Tenerife 0/0 page Nazis

Until then God mingyeonguk several politicians, including the (former) to journalists and netizens became simuruk ilbe propensity to rapidly move up a fake medical certificate frames to personal social. Why reason for ryeotneunji within the affective Hospital climb even not that of the hospital's mouth discharge certificates submitted by the defense lawyers In just going barge because the hospital had scenes Siem professor hospitalized after Thanksgiving cheating fuss, it exported articles . Great, great ... Hospitals measures had to laugh a little longer. In the first place "no connection

Hidden violence, and there is indirect murder happened. Freedom, the act of murder of secondhand beyond verbal abuse of freedom of expression, "he explained the purpose footed the bill to stop. Experts say the position that in the wake of the incident, and requires a social discussion on hate, discrimination, expressions prevalent on the Internet. Yunseongok Kyonggi media video professor said, "It is that hate expression is the expression of discrimination and exclusion based on various attributes such as race, gender, national society in the had a lack of discourse itself about how to solve the disgust expressed," said, noting "the National Assembly it contains the malicious comments on the existing Clean Air Act initiative, and how you want to develop a policy on gender representation disgust

TK, PK 5: 5 10 000 ... Once the right future "gukron core of the division," Definitions "Attorney Evaluation Reform height" peace "decided to honor" (AGI) is a treasure of the country, Justice Minister Lee, Eun - Jung reporter = 14 days be a reaction to the resignation announcement went intersect appreciated. In addition to the Democrats appear to regret the resignation of the Minister, and Joe was able to speed stressed it is time to reform the prosecution, opposition parties, including the freedom hangukdang urged a national apology and Moon Jae-based transition president said late time. Democratic hongikpyo chief spokesman to comment out "the will and plan of action for the Secretary of the prosecution reform is not finished

Starbucks coupons to coffee drinking came out exactly killer Jongno 26 police cars and police buses three illegal parking atmosphere and according Be Watching Movies shouting the truth presidential 164 cars per person demonstration you are 5:11 Gyeongbokgung Let precisely killer black police vans and police arrived use buses and police cars with haunting atmosphere hagilrae Be Watching movies shouting the truth, riding the subway in the killer cop me danggogae shouting the exact truth to march took a whopping three hours from Incheon Songdo Convensia protest one and murderer corruption police murder atrocities in Korea 1210 Lake road danggogae trying concealment and restaurants arson and illegal hacking against Korea was telling the truth public, it followed illicit, illegal, trespassing, radio consultant in vivo,

The advisory information such as client name has eclipsed while browsing. The total time of the Consulting Agreement Han Yu ordination of sulfur content material was identified as a representative were not included. Kindergarten Act 3 votes D- 1 ... Hangukdang, the "educational environment improvement reflected contribution" strong demand fast-track legislation kindergarten three laws if there is no major problems seem to be automatically submitted to the plenary session held tomorrow. The main point is to greatly enhance fiscal transparency and enable gyobi purposes only kindergarten income or wealth. Ahead of a vote has been subjected to high pressure on the offensive strength rather be away from the side of Han Yu gun. To support fire hangukdang

The gap has been narrowing in one place again. President's approval rating has dropped slightly the door to the country only after the resignation of Justice Minister olratji sharply until mid-week, week, regardless of the post-Civil football game broadcast and inform Leo performer harassment controversial remarks. In addition, the Democratic Party approval rating was up 4.5 percentage points from 39.8% recorded dagaseon to 40%, free hangukdang will stop the rise

Geotinde conservative Democrats combined free hangukdang draws cows that just the Liberal Party of Korea. Now Han Dang look at the freedom of hangukdang ask me if they know what to say what the lawmakers will speak shoutin that is just free. That I will not say a liberal liberalism horse, not knowing that it is an old idea that failed to classicism. Jyeotdago to look at the poll approval rating dropped to 40% of the Moon Jae-government This is because people who can not tolerate silence and outer turmoil neuleonatgi luxury. The approval rating also fell on their mouthpiece the sound will be dropped with little overshadowed polls. Doing it retreat of democracy in this country again and vested interests

Insisted should be abolished. Minjungdang and youth NGOs Single Spark 12 at 10am in front of me sikke Majority Leader's office opened a Dongjak Seoul 'jasago of hereditary privilege, the abolition teukmokgo called' press conference. "And the last eight days governments Majority Leader Let's announced switch jasago, teukmokgo a general high school (Moon Jae-regime) your children already spend all the teukmokgo, jasago, study deprives million people opportunities ', the' National carp, crayfish, frogs lay locked in "and noted," and "This is an insult to give a general high school students for the 96%," ignoring the people's demand to stop the privilege of hereditary cases since the country '

Paste accused prosecutors push Special Forces dismantled Duke, National Assembly Speaker and the ruling party alone, a senior official crime susacheo (gongsucheo) fast-track the country, argued that dismissal of the judiciary bunch warrant parade, all of which is not different from the dictatorship of the declaration. " He pointed out, "and even though he suspects" we'll end 'the prosecutor said openly geopbak "" Now the country can wield the power of the omnipotent overwhelmed by the Prime Minister, the ruling party leadership, "he said. Yet "The regime has no reason to create a hurriedly gongsucheo while breaking up an agreement with the opposition. "I said," you want to trick investigators had collapsed the country and is in fact the country is invariably the word regime SEQ ID NO: 2, Vice stomach, groaning coming from the Republic of Korea is not this 'homeland Republic.' " "The Prime Minister, the ruling party